Thursday, April 18, 2019

How the Internet is Fueling Domestic Abuse

So it is no secret to my friends and those around me that I am a feminist and I am very vocal  with my thoughts on the cowardice behind domestic abuse. Individuals who perpetrate domestic violence are weak and awful people and the internet has provided them with new means to harass the men and women they choose to attack. 

The two TED talks that I have included below really inspired me to speak out against the terrors of domestic abuse. Hearing about these two strong, amazing women and what they went through truly shook me to my core, and they truly changed the term "victim" for me. 

In the second video, Darieth Chisholm, TV personality, author and women's rights advocate, talks about her horrible experience with revenge porn. In her talk, she says that 1 in 25 women have been impacted through cyber domestic violence. And for women under 30, that number changes to 1 out of every 10 women!

When I was researching this topic for this blog post, I had difficulty finding any information on this, despite the staggering number of people affected. I found two articles on the subject that, but that isn't nearly enough considering how popular this method of abuse has become! Legislation has failed to be passed to help these women out of this situation and no one seems to be concerned.

TED Talks:

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