Thursday, March 7, 2019

How does the Internet empower us?

There is a paradox to our relationship with the internet when it comes to empowerment and agency. Does it empower us or does it enslave us? Perhaps it depends who you ask.
Agency becomes an extension of literacy, and our ability to properly wield the powerful tools that are available to us. For some the empowerment is derived from a confidence that comes through proficiency. For others disempowerment is a consequence of the anxiety that comes through not understanding how the technology can and should be used.

The reason literacy plays such an enabling and empowering role is the requirement for rapid learning in the digital age.

It’s not as if there’s a finish line to the Internet, a point where you can say you’re finished, and you’ve learned it all! On the contrary, lifelong learning is the new norm, and those who embrace their own daily education are empowered and find navigating society a breeze.

Literacy is not just the ability to read, but at a more fundamental level the ability to recognize patterns. The ability to read text and actually comprehend. The ability to surf the web and find that needle in the haystack you sought out to find.
Perhaps it is the attention deficient culture that makes it difficult for many to make that connection, whether with other people, or with the emerging tools and environments that can be empowering.
How do we slow down? How do we take the time to focus when we live in such a fast paced world?

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